So, i've made it to sunny spain and i'm sitting on the balcony of europe. Or europa as its known here. Ok, i'm going to rant! But before i do, lets look at the positives. 1 i'm sitting in the sun. 2 it must be mid 80's, 3 the beer is cold. 4 for £25, my hotel room is perfect. Ok, that said, sleazylet bounced in to Maliga, the road signs are shite and all i can get to eat in Spain at this time of the day is bloody pizza. Wine is in bottles so beer and pizza! I could do that in reading :-(.i've also realised traveling alone i should expect shit service, or no service in one restaurant. Lastly, having just thrown stuff in a bag, i realise i haven't packed well and forgotten stuff like insurance documents. It can only get better :-)
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